牛津传统故事精讲 网盘下载(6.14G)

牛津传统故事精讲 网盘下载(6.14G)


牛津传统故事精讲 网盘下载(6.14G)

课程文件目录:牛津传统故事精讲 [6.14G]


lesson 1 run, run.mp4

lesson 10 boxer and the fish.mp4

lesson 11 right for me.mp4

lesson 12 cook, pot, cook.mp4

lesson 13 tom, dad and colin.mp4

lesson 14 the foolish fox.mp4

lesson 15 hans in luck.mp4

lesson 16 three rocks.mp4

lesson 2 lots of nut.mp4

lesson 3 the big carrot.mp4

lesson 4 get the rat.mp4

lesson 5 i will get you_.mp4

lesson 6 rabbit on the run.mp4

lesson 7 the king and his wish.mp4

lesson 8 dick and his cat.mp4

lesson 9 chicken licken.mp4


lesson 1 oh, jack (上).mp4

lesson 2 oh, jack (下).mp4

lesson 5 the magic paintbrush (上).mp4

lesson 6 the magic paintbrush(下).mp4

lesson 7 jack and the beanstalk (上).mp4

lesson 8 jack and the beanstalk (下).mp4

the moon in the pond (上).mp4

the moon in the pond(下).mp4


alice’s english magic jar–pig.mp4

lesson 1 rumplestiltskin (上).mp4

lesson 2 rumpelstiltskin(下).mp4

lesson 3 baba yaga (上).mp4

lesson 4 baba yaga (下).mp4

lesson 5 ciinderella (上).mp4

lesson 6 cinderella (下).mp4

lesson 7 aladdin (上).mp4

lesson 8 aladdin (下).mp4

lesson 9 twelve dancing princesses.mp4



  • 普通用户下载价格 : 8.8金币
  • VIP会员下载价格 : 0金币
  • 最近更新2024年04月25日
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