100天职场英语打通关(完结) 网盘下载(460.78M)

100天职场英语打通关(完结) 网盘下载(460.78M)


100天职场英语打通关(完结) 网盘下载(460.78M)

课程文件目录:100天职场英语打通关(完结) [460.78M]

第100课-职业成功的路上,祝你好运!-good luck achieving the success you seek! _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第100课-职业成功的路上,祝你好运!-good luck achieving the success you seek!.mp3

第10课-只有你能决定自己的职业发展!-they’re not you!.docx

第10课-只有你能决定自己的职业发展!-they’re not you!.mp3

第11课-中国就业市场重大变化-the major change happening in china’s employment market.docx

第11课-中国就业市场重大变化-the major change happening in china’s employment market.mp3

第12课-稳定不是铁饭碗,改变才是-if you seek stability then embrace c.mp3

第12课-稳定不是铁饭碗,改变才是-if you seek stability then embrace change.docx

第13课- 越来越需要严阵以待的中国职场面试-china’s maturing hiring and promotion practice.docx

第13课- 越来越需要严阵以待的中国职场面试-china’s maturing hiring and promotion practice.mp3

第14课-现在什么行业最热门?-today’s hottest sectors and industries.docx

第14课-现在什么行业最热门?-today’s hottest sectors and industries.mp3

第15课-你具备获得职业成功的四大特质吗?-4 key qualities for success in today’s employment market.docx

第15课-你具备获得职业成功的四大特质吗?-4 key qualities for success in today’s employment market.mp3

第16课-当今社会想要成功?你必须具备这5大能力!-5 key capabilities for being successful today.docx

第16课-当今社会想要成功?你必须具备这5大能力!-5 key capabilities for being successful today.mp3

第17课-好工作,去哪找?-where to find great job opportunities.docx

第17课-好工作,去哪找?-where to find great job opportunities.mp3

第18课-为什么创业思维和能力现在备受重视-why entrepreneurial skills and mindset are so valued today.docx

第18课-为什么创业思维和能力现在备受重视-why entrepreneurial skills and mindset are so valued today.mp3

第19课-越来越多公司要全球化,你准备好了吗?-many companies are ready to “go global”, are you?.docx

第19课-越来越多公司要全球化,你准备好了吗?-many companies are ready to “go global”, are you?.mp3

第1课-职商为什么对职业成功如此重要-why career sense is so essential to your career success.docx

第1课-职商为什么对职业成功如此重要-why career sense is so essential to your career success.mp3

第20课-如何让自己在就业市场中一直具有竞争力?-staying competitive in china’s maturing employment market.docx

第20课-如何让自己在就业市场中一直具有竞争力?-staying competitive in china’s maturing employment market.mp3

第21课-你具备高管眼中的专业性吗?-how do top employers and exe.mp3

第21课-你具备高管眼中的专业性吗?-how do top employers and exe.pdf

第22课-细节决定成败!-everything counts!(1).pdf

第22课-细节决定成败!-everything counts!.mp3

第22课-细节决定成败!-everything counts!.pdf

第23课-招聘经理和优秀企业高管如何评估顶级人才?-how do hiring managers and executives of leading companies assess top talent.pdf

第24课-为什么员工和老板的想法总是不一样?-4 key things your ma.mp3

第24课-为什么员工和老板的想法总是不一样?-4 key things your ma.pdf

第25课-想知道在面试中老板如何评估你的软技能吗?-how do employer.mp3

第25课-想知道在面试中老板如何评估你的软技能吗?-how do employer.pdf

第26课-为什么老板们喜欢来自非一线城市或学校的求职者-why do many employers like hiring people from lower tier cities and schools.mp3

第26课-为什么老板们喜欢来自非一线城市或学校的求职者-why do many employers like hiring people from lower tier cities and schools.pdf

第27课-老板最看重员工的三种品质-3 things your boss is always noti.mp3

第27课-老板最看重员工的三种品质-3 things your boss is always noti.pdf

第28课-你犯错时别人会怎么看待你?-what others care about most when you make a mistake.mp3

第28课-你犯错时别人会怎么看待你?-what others care about most when you make a mistake.pdf

第29课-你是不是有领导潜力,老板这么看!-how do employers tell who the high potential leaders are.mp3

第29课-你是不是有领导潜力,老板这么看!-how do employers tell who the high potential leaders are.pdf

第2课-自我认知是一切的前提-everything starts with self-awareness.docx

第2课-自我认知是一切的前提-everything starts with self-awareness.mp3

第30课-为什么“创业”比“守成”更令人印象深刻-why building things is much more impressive than running things.mp3

第30课-为什么“创业”比“守成”更令人印象深刻-why building things is much more impressive than running things.pdf

第31课-把职业当成企业管理,规划你的职业生涯-approach your career like a business.mp3

第31课-把职业当成企业管理,规划你的职业生涯-approach your career like a business.pdf

第32课-如何获得一份让你充满热情的职业-what it takes to have a passionate career.mp3

第32课-如何获得一份让你充满热情的职业-what it takes to have a passionate career.pdf

第33课-没有清晰的职业目标,该如何进行职业规划?-how to plan your career without a clear career objective yet _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第33课-没有清晰的职业目标,该如何进行职业规划?-how to plan your career without a clear career objective yet.mp3

第34课-专业和学位对职场成功来说到底有多重要?-how critical is your major and your degree to your career success_.mp3


第35课-如何培养自我评估的能力?-how to develop your ability to self-assess your own capabilities and performance.mp3

第35课-如何培养自我评估的能力?-how to develop your.pdf

第36课-如何自我发展,这三点一定要了解!-3 things you always want to know about your development situation.mp3

第36课-如何自我发展,这三点一定要了解!-3 things you.pdf

第37课-如何在求职时学会区分“必备项”和“加分项”?- determining the “must haves” vs. “nice to haves”.mp3


第38课-你适合互联网行业吗?-are you someone who is well-suited for the internet industry.mp3

第38课-你适合互联网行业吗?-are you someone who is.pdf

第39课-想创业?你准备好了么?-3 things to help you tell if you’re ready to be an entrepreneur.mp3

第39课-想创业?你准备好了么?-3 things to help you.pdf

第3课-没有什么比优秀更难得-nothing beats excellence.docx

第3课-没有什么比优秀更难得-nothing beats excellence.mp3

第40课-赚钱时会常犯的一个最大的错误是什么?the biggest mistake people make when it comes to making money.mp3


第41课-到底应该跳槽还是不跳槽?-how to assess the risk of moving vs the risk of not moving.mp3

第41课-到底应该跳槽还是不跳槽?-how to assess the.pdf

第42课-面对新机会,如何衡量它的利弊?-how to weigh the downsides vs. the upsides of a new opportunity.mp3

第42课-面对新机会,如何衡量它的利弊?-how to weigh the.pdf

第43课-如何运用swot分析来解读新工作机会?-do you apply swot analysis to the new opportunities you consider.mp3

第43课-如何运用swot分析来解读新工作机会?-do you.pdf

第44课-如何评估名气不大的公司?-how to assess companies that are not so well-known or famous.mp3

第44课-如何评估名气不大的公司?-how to assess.pdf

第45课-如何判断你是否适合在小公司工作?-how can you tell if you ‘ re a good fit to work in a smaller company.mp3

第45课-如何判断你是否适合在小公司工作?-how can you.pdf

第46课-读mba值得吗?-is it worth it to get an mba.mp3

第46课-读mba值得吗?-is it worth it to get an mba.pdf

第47课-好工作和好平台,哪个更重要?-job or platform which do you think of when you consider new opportunities _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第47课-好工作和好平台,哪个更重要?-job or platform which do you think of when you consider new opportunities.mp3

第48课-两大关键问题决定你的职业选择!-every good job decision comes down to your answer to 2 key questions _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第48课-两大关键问题决定你的职业选择!-every good job decision comes down to your answer to 2 key questions.mp3

第49课-如何分辨ta是不是个好老板-how can you tell if someone will be a good boss to work for _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第49课-如何分辨ta是不是个好老板-how can you tell if someone will be a good boss to work for.mp3

第4课-辨别你最大的价值是什么-identify and respond to high value areas.docx

第4课-辨别你最大的价值是什么-identify and respond to high value areas.mp3

第50课-职场发展不是一朝一夕的事情,要做长远打算!-your career lasts a long time! _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第50课-职场发展不是一朝一夕的事情,要做长远打算!-your career lasts a long time!.mp3

第51课-当老板在看简历时,他们最在意的两件事是什么?-2 things that top employers notice most on your resume _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第51课-当老板在看简历时,他们最在意的两件事是什么?-2 things that top employers notice most on your resume.mp3

第52课-想找新工作?教你两个必胜绝招!-2 big tips for pursuing new opportunities and job leads _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第52课-想找新工作?教你两个必胜绝招!-2 big tips for pursuing new opportunities and job leads _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第53课-4个层次的表现决定你在面试中是否脱颖而出-how to communicate how good you are in a job interview _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第53课-4个层次的表现决定你在面试中是否脱颖而出-how to communicate how good you are in a job interview _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第54课-面试中如何表现出你对这家公司的热爱?-3 things that indicate to employers your level of interest in their opportunity and compan _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第54课-面试中如何表现出你对这家公司的热爱?-3 things that indicate to employers your level of interest in their opportunity and compan _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第55课-面试中如何回答:“你最大的缺点是什么?”-how to answer the, “what’s your greatest weakness,” question _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第55课-面试中如何回答:“你最大的缺点是什么?”-how to answer the, “what’s your greatest weakness,” question _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第56课-面试中你应该准备好回答的三个问题-3 questions you should be prepared to answer in any job interview _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第56课-面试中你应该准备好回答的三个问题-3 questions you should be prepared to answer in any job interview _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第57课-在面试结束时该问什么问题-what are good questions to ask at the end of a job interview? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第57课-在面试结束时该问什么问题-what are good questions to ask at the end of a job interview? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第58课-如何在面试中进行薪酬谈判?-how to approach your salary negotiations in a job interview _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第58课-如何在面试中进行薪酬谈判?-how to approach your salary negotiations in a job interview _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第59课-没有丰富的工作经验,如何拿到offer? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第59课-没有丰富的工作经验,如何拿到offer? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第5课-找工作时,平台-think platform, not just job.docx

第5课-找工作时,平台-think platform, not just job.mp3

第60课-跳槽时,应不应该“裸辞”?-should you quit your job to look for your next opportunity? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第60课-跳槽时,应不应该“裸辞”?-should you quit your job to look for your next opportunity? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第61课-三条“干货”,让你明白和外国人进行交流的真相-how good does your english have to be to communicate effectively with foreigners? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第61课-三条“干货”,让你明白和外国人进行交流的真相-how good does your english have to be to communicate effectively with foreigners? _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第62课-你一定得听的一条职业发展建议-the best career development advice i’ve ever heard _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第62课-你一定得听的一条职业发展建议-the best career development advice i’ve ever heard _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第63课-快速学习的关键方法-the key factor that allows you to learn faster (and help others learn faster too!) _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第63课-快速学习的关键方法-the key factor that allows you to learn faster (and help others learn faster too!) _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第64课-如何避免成为一个任务机器-how to avoid being just a taskmaster _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第64课-如何避免成为一个任务机器-how to avoid being just a taskmaster _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第65课-职业发展之自我提升的重要性-taking a self-development approach to your career development _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第65课-职业发展之自我提升的重要性-taking a self-development approach to your career development _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第66课-从单打独斗到管理团队,最大的挑战是什么?-the biggest challenge you’ll face going from an individual contributor to manager _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第66课-从单打独斗到管理团队,最大的挑战是什么?-the biggest challenge you’ll face going from an individual contributor to manager.mp3

第67课-工作环境不理想时怎么办?-how to learn and grow from less-than-ideal job situations _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第67课-工作环境不理想时怎么办?-how to learn and grow from less-than-ideal job situations.mp3

第68课-如何建立有益的职场导师关系?-3 key things to help you build more beneficial mentor relationships _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第68课-如何建立有益的职场导师关系?-3 key things to help you build more beneficial mentor relationships.mp3

第69课-如何对待你的优势和劣势?-how to view and approach your strengths and weaknesses _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第69课-如何对待你的优势和劣势?-how to view and approach your strengths and weaknesses.mp3

第6课-情商是职场的关键-soft skills are the key.docx

第6课-情商是职场的关键-soft skills are the key.mp3

第70课-如何面对职业发展中的最大威胁?-the biggest threat to your career development and future success _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第70课-如何面对职业发展中的最大威胁?-the biggest threat to your career development and future success.mp3

第71课-工作中如何变得更积极主动-how to become more proactive _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第71课-工作中如何变得更积极主动-how to become more proactive.mp3

第72课-没太多创意的话, 就努力随机应变-not so creative, then focus on being resourceful _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第72课-没太多创意的话, 就努力随机应变-not so creative, then focus on being resourceful.mp3

第73课-如何培养你的大局观-how to develop your big picture perspective _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第73课-如何培养你的大局观-how to develop your big picture perspective.mp3

第74课-如何在工作中有效沟通?-how to be a more effective communicator _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第74课-如何在工作中有效沟通?-how to be a more effective communicator.mp3

第75课-如何大胆并且直接的表达自己的想法?-getting yourself to speak out and speak more directly _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第75课-如何大胆并且直接的表达自己的想法?-getting yourself to speak out and speak more directly.mp3

第76课-如何让你老板听你的?-how to get your management to listen to your ideas _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第76课-如何让你老板听你的?-how to get your management to listen to your ideas.mp3

第77课-如何做好一场presentation?-how to deliver effective presentations _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第77课-如何做好一场presentation?-how to deliver effective presentations _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第78课-做笔记,聆听和思考,如何才能同时做到?-how well do you listen, write, and think at the same time _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第78课-做笔记,聆听和思考,如何才能同时做到?-how well do you listen, write, and think at the same time.mp3

第79课-如何提高你的时间管理能力-how to improve your time management _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第79课-如何提高你的时间管理能力-how to improve your time management.mp3

第7课-你的职场你做主-your career your responsibility.docx

第7课-你的职场你做主-your career your responsibility.mp3

第80课-没当领导怎么培养领导力?-how to develop your leadership before you’re given the chance to lead others yet _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第80课-没当领导怎么培养领导力?-how to develop your leadership before you’re given the chance to lead others yet.mp3

第81课-如何提高你的竞争优势?-how to develop your competitive advantage _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第81课-如何提高你的竞争优势?-how to develop your competitive advantage.mp3

第82课-如何提高工作质量?-4 simple habits for delivering higher quality, more impressive work _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第82课-如何提高工作质量?-4 simple habits for delivering higher quality, more impressive work.mp3

第83课-如何诊断你的职业发展状态?-3 questions to ask yourself to determine if your career is in good shape _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第83课-如何诊断你的职业发展状态?-3 questions to ask yourself to determine if your career is in good shape.mp3

第84课-面对新形势时,成功人士评估这三件事!-3 things highly successful people assess when facing new situations _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第84课-面对新形势时,成功人士评估这三件事!-3 things highly successful people assess when facing new situations.mp3

第85课-工作中出现差错怎么应对?-don’t be afraid to say, _it’s my fault_ when something goes wrong _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第85课-工作中出现差错怎么应对?-don’t be afraid to say, _it’s my fault_ when something goes wrong.mp3

第86课-你最想问你的老板和经理哪三个问题?-what 3 questions would you ask your boss or management if you could.mp3

第86课-你最想问你的老板和经理哪三个问题?-what 3 questions would you ask your boss or management if you could_ _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第87课-如何让老板支持你的职业发展?-how to get your boss to support your success more _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第87课-如何让老板支持你的职业发展?-how to get your boss to support your success more.mp3

第88课-跟乔丹学习如何提高自己-a great lesson to learn from michael jordan about pursuing your career success _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第88课-跟乔丹学习如何提高自己-a great lesson to learn from michael jordan about pursuing your career success.mp3

第89课-如何识别和发展你的通用技能-recognize transferable skills and invest in developing them _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第89课-如何识别和发展你的通用技能-recognize transferable skills and invest in developing them.mp3

第8课-机会无处不在!-opportunities are all around you!.docx

第8课-机会无处不在!-opportunities are all around you!.mp3

第90课-如何家庭事业双丰收-achieving a successful career and family life at the same time _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第90课-如何家庭事业双丰收-achieving a successful career and family life at the same time.mp3

第91课-如何平衡生活和工作?(第一部分)-a successful work_life balance (part i) _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第91课-如何平衡生活和工作?(第一部分)-a successful work_life balance (part i).mp3

第92课-如何平衡生活和工作?(第二部分)-a successful work_life balance (part ii) _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第92课-如何平衡生活和工作?(第二部分)-a successful work_life balance (part ii).mp3

第93课-当面试涉及到婚姻及家庭问题时,该如何回答?-how to answer questions about marriage, family, or work life balance in a job interview _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第93课-当面试涉及到婚姻及家庭问题时,该如何回答?-how to answer questions about marriage, family, or work life balance in a job interview.mp3

第94课-为什么说现在是女性事业的黄金时代-why this is a golden time of career opportunities for women _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第94课-为什么说现在是女性事业的黄金时代-why this is a golden time of career opportunities for women.mp3

第95课-女性领导人有哪些得天独厚的优势?-key areas where many women excel as leaders _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.mp3

第95课-女性领导人有哪些得天独厚的优势?-key areas where many women excel as leaders _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第96课-如何在事业和家庭之间做决定?-how to make decisions between career and family _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第96课-如何在事业和家庭之间做决定?-how to make decisions between career and family.mp3

第97课-如何解释长时间待业状态?-how to explain a long period when you didn’t work to an employer _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第97课-如何解释长时间待业状态?-how to explain a long period when you didn’t work to an employer.mp3

第98课-为什么女性适合进入招聘行业?-why you should consider a career in the recruitment industry if you’re a woman _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第98课-为什么女性适合进入招聘行业?-why you should consider a career in the recruitment industry if you’re a woman.mp3

第99课-如何看待婚姻关系中老婆挣得比老公多?-how to deal with a relationship where the woman’s career is more successful than the man’s _ 年轻人的技能学习神器.pdf

第99课-如何看待婚姻关系中老婆挣得比老公多?-how to deal with a relationship where the woman’s career is more successful than the man’s.mp3

第9课-把现在的工作和职业发展目标双管齐下-manage your work and development objectives at once.docx

第9课-把现在的工作和职业发展目标双管齐下-manage your work and development objectives at once.mp3







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