英语自然拼读AI课 网盘下载(2.20G)

英语自然拼读AI课 网盘下载(2.20G)


英语自然拼读AI课 网盘下载(2.20G)

课程文件目录:少年得到:英语自然拼读AI课 [2.20G]

01.aa – an apple tree.mp4

02.bb – stop the ball.mp4

03.cc – driving is fun.mp4

04. dd – where is the last dog-.mp4

05. ee what’s in the egg-.mp4

06.ff – fun chorus.mp4

07.gg – ayo’s gift.mp4

08.hh – oh! my horse.mp4

09.ii – life in an igloo.mp4

10. jj – jump! jump!.mp4

11. kk – the kangaroo kingdom.mp4

12. ll – like a lion.mp4

13. mm – milk is sweet.mp4

14. nn – let’s dance!.mp4

15. oo – in the jungle.mp4


17. qq – the smart queen.mp4

18. rr – a happy ride.mp4


20.tt-tap time.mp4

21.uu-a magicumbrella.mp4

22.vv-is v angry.mp4

23.ww-wendy the witch.mp4

24.xx-a small box.mp4

25.yy-hey! yo.mp4

26.zz-have a good dream.mp4

27.元音a–sam and pam.mp4

28.元音a–mat the cat.mp4

29.元音a-oh! look at that man.mp4

30.元音u-fun to run.mp4

31元音u-rut and nuts.mp4

32.元音u-my pup.mp4

33.元音i-rig the pig.mp4

34元音i-snack time.mp4

35元音i-kim is a good kid.mp4

36 元音o-a hot pot or a hotpot.mp4

37.元音o-tom can’t hop.mp4

38.元音o-a dog and a fox.mp4

39元音e-the wet pet.mp4

40.元音e-ted the hen.mp4



  • 普通用户下载价格 : 8.8金币
  • VIP会员下载价格 : 0金币
  • 最近更新2023年09月11日
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